A small collection of what I'm working on and thinking through using digital humanities tools and methods.

Stylometry and good omens

Who wrote what in Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman? A short look at authorship in collaborative works using the Stylo package in R.


This digital project invites the user to choose from a series of options that generate a bare-bones narrative structure about planetary-scale climate shifts. Try it out to see what climate stories you can come up with!

Unequal Errors

An analysis of the disparate treatment of climate overestimates and underestimates in the popular press using Himalayan glacier melt and sea level rise as case studies.

Fun with book history and deep art

Have you heard of deep art? Where you can use machine learning to copy the "style" from one image and apply it to another image? Click to see your favorite internet sites done in media styles from the past...

Topics and Tropics 

Topic modeling the publications of the World Wildlife Fund.  Are we conserving the types of biodiversities that we want available in the future?  Which voices are invited to conservation conversations?

Counting Wor(l)ds 

A distance reading of the publications of the World Wildlife Fund, asking: How does the WWF represent biodiversity, and how does that effect what is conserved and where?